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After a year of developing, knowing each other better, understanding where customer pain sits and preparing to show ourselves to the world – we’re live!

But what NLP Key Labs is all about?

Honestly, we’ve been giving this quite a thought.

There are three paths that our company is following:

  1. We are a product centric company – it means that we develop products that exists but with a huge room for improvement. Doing market analysis we have noticed that there are lots of products nowadays that are build based on AI and NLP which have either a high costs, either they lack complementary functionalities. That’s why we have today Key Rank, Sales Bot and Historical figures.
    The scope is not to replace existing solutions on the market but rather to deep-dive more into what AI really can do. Right now we’re just scraping the surface of a meteor which has a lot to give.
  2. A development shop – having a big team of AI enthusiasts allows us to build various projects based on our clients demands. We can code a chat bot in a snap and complex algorithms for enterprises.
  3. Key Labs is a LAB – our final scope is to innovate. There is no need for a second Elon Musk to be born – we will use AI and with the knowledge of the greatest minds in the world there is unlimited potential of what can be done. Our scope is to make sure that all the wisdom that history captured will not be wasted in vain but used for the next generations well-being.

Wanna help us out or just say hi? Shoot us an email at or via contact form. We would love to hear from you!
